We are super proud of our small but select group of sponsored riders.
All are talented and well respected equestrians, who love and are a good fit with our EquineCare Probiotic brand.
Brea Walker

Why EquineCare?
I am passionate about working with NZ based companies and supporting
Having used EquineCare Probiotic Spray while back in NZ I have seen
the incredible results myself and love sharing the results with others.
Two of the horses I had have incredibly sensitive skin in
both summer and winter so being able to use a product I trust and
KNOW works is so important.
Using a natural and non-toxic spray which gets rid of the bad bacteria by
colonising with good microbes means it leaves my horses with healthy
skin and hooves. Not stripping them of all beneficial microbes.
I love using Equine Care Probiotic Spray as a preventative as well after XC
especially when skin tends to get irritated in the hot conditions.
I never go anywhere without it now! Such a versatile spray!
Sue Pennington
Sue’s lessons focus on improving both horse and rider biomechanics, increasing the rider’s awareness and understanding of what is happening in their body and in their horse’s body, and how to change these “not so useful” patterns. The horse’s biomechanics are improved by utilising arena patterns, exercises (mounted and unmounted), groundwork and polework exercises. Focusing on both rider and horse biomechanics results in improved symmetry, well being and enhanced performance of both rider and horse.
Accredited Rider Biomechanics Coach and ESNZ Registered Coach. Gymnastic Polework Sessions and Clinics. Dressage, Jumping and Cross Country Lessons. Unmounted Rider Biomechanics Sessions (Rider Balance and Stability). Franklin Method Equestrian - Franklin Ball Certified. Groundwork / Inhand Sessions. Mounted/Unmounted Rehabbing and Prehabbing Sessions for horses. Online Video Sessions. Online Video Assessment and Feedback Sessions. Customised One on One Sessions in person or online. Clinics (Including Video Reviews). Telerein Sessions.
Matthew Verhoeven
Matthew Verhoeven is an 18-year-old rider who is currently schooling three horses that are a part of his EquineCare Probiotic Team. He has successfully competed on multiple occasions for the Waitemata District in a variety of disciplines, alongside also representing the Waitemata Rodney Area for Dressage Championships on Pioneer Thiztle (pictured above).
Matt is a current Rider Representative for the Waitemata Rodney Area Pony Club as well as a Qualified ECTP Coach at D and D+ level. Matt belongs to Coatesville Pony Club where he Coaches and Rides.
Why EquineCare Probiotic?
I’ve been using EquineCare Pre and Probiotic and EquineCare Probiotic topical spray for several years; it has particularly worked well on one of my horses with a facial skin sensitivity. I use EquineCare Probiotic Spray after exercising all my horses, I not only wash them down with EquineCare, but I also spray their girth and saddle pad areas with the topical spray. As a healthy skin conditioner, we spray the inside of our winter rugs with EquineCare Probiotic.
EquineCare Pre and Probiotic is added to our feeds as it is especially helpful for one of my rides that is prone to ulcers, we find it really keeps her comfortable. Of course, adding EquineCare Pre and Probiotics to our hard feeds ensure their coat remains healthy and shiny all year round. This amazing product is a necessity in my tack room, stable and float.